
Thermal Insulation Pipe Fitting Covering

5640661527097 661527097 7395-1-3-21 C21433

An item composed of one or more materials, molded, compressed and/or baked into a rigid covering of the proper shape and size for various standard pipe or tube fittings. It is specifically designed to restrict the transfer of heat or protect from low or high temperatures. The molds are cut in half lengthwise and may be furnished with protective coatings, jackets, attaching bands, and/or accessories for application, (excluding prefabricated components used in aircraft applications). Excludes INSULATION PIPE COVERING, THERMAL, AIRCRAFT. View more Thermal Insulation Pipe Fitting Covering

5640-66-152-7097 INSULATION PIPE FITTING COVERING,THERMAL 5640661527097 661527097

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5640-66-152-7097 INSULATION PIPE FITTING COVERING,THERMAL 5640661527097 661527097 1/1
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7395-1-3-21 C21433 An item composed of one or more materials, molded, compressed and/or baked into a
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-5640/us 5640-01-591-3957 Thermal Insulation Pipe Fitting Covering Fitting Covering 202-5269 5640-66-152-7097
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Insulation Pipe Fitting Covering 5640-66-155-8521 5640-01-351-2293 160-8053 5640-15-202-5269 5640-66-152-7097

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5640-66-152-7097 is a Thermal Insulation Pipe Fitting Covering

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