
Wood Wedge

5510143650426 143650426 C0INB0ISDUR60X100X350MM

A shaped piece of wood having two opposite faces tapering to a thin or featheredge, and used to split materials such as wood and stone, to raise bodies, to fill a space between two pieces of material, to effect a tight joint or connection, or to maintain a split or partial separation in a piece of material. View more Wood Wedge

5510-14-365-0426 WEDGE,WOOD 5510143650426 143650426

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 Sep 1980
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July 2023
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5510-14-365-0426 WEDGE,WOOD 5510143650426 143650426 1/1
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5510-14-365-0426 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-55/fsc-5510 Lumber and Related
Every Day 5510-14-398-4256 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-55/fsc-5510/fr 5510-14-365-0426
Wood Wedge 5510143650426 143650426 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-55/fsc-5510 Lumber and Related Basic
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-55/fsc-5510 Lumber and Related Basic Wood Materials from France (FR) 1985 5510-14-365-0426
Jan 1985 5510-14-398-4256 Hardwood Lumber 5510ACSIP2C50RNCC: 2 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 31 Jan 1985 5510-14-365-0426

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5510-14-365-0426 is a Wood Wedge

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