

5440219041565 219041565 61-1016-2 61-1026X

A self-supporting ladder of fixed size consisting of front and rear sections which are hinged at the top. It is usually constructed with steps on the front section only but may be constructed as a trestle type unit with identical front and rear sections utilizing either steps or rungs. View more Stepladder

5440-21-904-1565 STEPLADDER 5440219041565 219041565

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NSN Created on 18 Jun 1988
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5440-21-904-1565 STEPLADDER 5440219041565 219041565 1/1
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61-1016-2 61-1026X A self-supporting ladder of fixed size consisting of front and rear sections which
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5440-21-904-1565 is a Stepladder

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