
Collapsible Fabric Tank

5430145398288 145398288 MC2001-07

A receptacle constructed of either canvas or nylon material and of various shapes. It may or may not be furnished with a cover and/or ground cloth. Staves and guy ropes are usually furnished to enable assembly of the item. It is used for the storage of bulk liquids, such as gasoline, oil or water. Tank may be equipped with pipe fittings. Excludes tanks installed as an integral part of another system, trailer or truck mounted tanks designed for transporting liquids, and DRUM, FABRIC, COLLAPSIBLE. View more Collapsible Fabric Tank

5430-14-539-8288 TANK,FABRIC,COLLAPSIBLE 5430145398288 145398288

Managed by France
NSN Created on 11 Feb 2004
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5430-14-539-8288 TANK,FABRIC,COLLAPSIBLE 5430145398288 145398288 1/1
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MC2001-07 A receptacle constructed of either canvas or nylon material and of various shapes.
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5430-14-539-8288 is a Collapsible Fabric Tank

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France (ZF)

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