
Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter

5411151556992 151556992 SHL160 (241)A8952SHL160

A rigid wall shelter integrated with electrical components and wiring, environmental control unit, power generation equipment, gas particulate filter unit and the like. It is designed to be mounted on high mobility multi-wheeled vehicle heavy variant and used to house standardized integrated command post system communication electronic equipment. View more Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter

5411-15-155-6992 SHELTER,NONEXPANDABLE,INTEGRATED 5411151556992 151556992

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 21 May 2002
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5411-15-155-6992 SHELTER,NONEXPANDABLE,INTEGRATED 5411151556992 151556992 1/1
NSN 5411-15-155-6992 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5411-15-155-6992 Related Documents Related Documents 5411-15-155-6992 5+ Documents (More...)

SHL160 (241)A8952SHL160 A rigid wall shelter integrated with electrical components and wiring, environmental
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5411-15-155-6992 RQST Updated Every Day 5411-15-155-6992 RQST NE Related Documents
: 5411-15-155-6992 is a Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter End Users 5411-15-155-6992 Italy (ZR) Approved
Documents 5411-14-503-4085 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/it 5411-15-155-6992
Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter 151556992 Shelter 375188077 Nonexpandable Shelter 145073817 553
-9878 5411-43-001-4658 5411-01-381-5365 5411-14-503-4085 5411-15-155-6992 Nonexpandable Shelter 270454981
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/tr 5411 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/it 5411-15-155-6992
Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter 151556992 553-9878 5411-43-001-4658 5411-01-381-5365 5411-14-503
-4085 5411-15-155-6992 Nonexpandable Shelter 332033832 5411-01-381-5365 5411-14-503-4085 5411-15-155-
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/es 5411 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/it 5411-15-155-6992
Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter 151556992 54/fsc-5411/kr 5411-37-518-8077 Integrated Nonexpandable
Shelter 375188077 Nonexpandable Shelter 145073817 5411-01-381-5365 5411-14-503-4085 5411-15-155-6992
5411-22-609-1064 5411-12-376-4183 5411-14-553-9878 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-54/fsc-5411/it 5411-15-155-6992
Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter 151556992 5411/fr 5411-14-507-3817 Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter
609-1064 5411-12-376-4183 5411-14-553-9878 5411-43-001-4658 5411-01-381-5365 5411-14-503-4085 5411-15-155-6992

5411-15-155-6992 Demil Restrictions 5411-15-155-6992


5411-15-155-6992 is a Integrated Nonexpandable Shelter

5411-15-155-6992 End Users End Users 5411-15-155-6992

Italy (ZR)

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