
Nonexpandable Shelter

5411123895757 123895757 5411-00850

A rigid, portable shelter designed for protection of personnel/equipment from the environment, and equipped for the capability of transporting by air, land, or sea. It may include leveling devices, lighting, electrical systems, and environmental control connections. For flexible wall shelters, see TENT; and Air Supported Structures. Excludes BUILDING, (as modified). View more Nonexpandable Shelter

5411-12-389-5757 SHELTER,NONEXPANDABLE 5411123895757 123895757

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 23 Jul 2012
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5411-12-389-5757 SHELTER,NONEXPANDABLE 5411123895757 123895757 1/1
NSN 5411-12-389-5757 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5411-12-389-5757 is a Nonexpandable Shelter

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Germany (ZG)

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