
Hinge Pin Spacer

5365011997642 011997642 533103-941

5365-01-199-7642 SPACER,HINGE PIN 5365011997642 011997642

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 25 Jan 1985
Data Last Changed
January 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
5365-01-199-7642 SPACER,HINGE PIN 5365011997642 011997642 1/1
NSN 5365-01-199-7642 (Generic Image) 1/1

5365-01-199-7642 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5365-01-199-7642

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5365-01-199-7642 Related Documents Related Documents 5365-01-199-7642 1+ Documents (More...)

Count 3 NATO Data Quality NSN 5365-01-199-7642 (Generic Image) 1/1 1.
United States (US) 4. 5365-01-199-7642 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5365-01-199-7642 RQST Updated Every Day 5365-01-199-7642 RQST NE Restrictions

5365-01-199-7642 Demil Restrictions 5365-01-199-7642


5365-01-199-7642 is a Hinge Pin Spacer Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

5365-01-199-7642 End Users End Users 5365-01-199-7642

Australia (ZA01)
Effective Date:
1 Apr 1991

5365-01-199-7642 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5365-01-199-7642

5365-01-199-7642 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5365-01-199-7642

5365-01-199-7642 Freight Data Freight Information 5365-01-199-7642

5365-01-199-7642 has freight characteristics.It has a National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) of 115620. A Sub NMFC of X. It has a NMFC Description of BUSHINGS NOI I/S. 5365-01-199-7642 is rated as class 65 when transported by Less-Than Truckload (LTL) freight. 5365-01-199-7642 is rated as class 65 when transported by Less-Than Carload (LCL) rail or ocean freight. It has a Uniform Freight Classification (UFC) number of 59240 which rates the freight between FCL and LCL. 5365-01-199-7642 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted. It has a Water Commodity Code (WCC) of 713 for ocean manifesting and military sealift. 5365-01-199-7642 is not classified as a special type of cargo when transported by water. 5365-01-199-7642 is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84" in any dimension. It should be compatible with a standard 72" Aircraft Cargo Door when transported by air.