
Machine Thread Plug

5365270503820 270503820 105042-3

An item with a cylindrical shaped body having external threads other than pipe or hose series. It is desinged to mate into a preformed threaded component for the purpose of plugging a hole during equipment operation. It may have a head and/or internal drive and may contain a bleeder hole. See also PLUG, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL and CAP-PLUG, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL. Excludes PLUG, TUBE FITTING, THREADED. View more Machine Thread Plug

5365-27-050-3820 PLUG,MACHINE THREAD 5365270503820 270503820

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 22 Jul 2010
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January 2023
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5365-27-050-3820 PLUG,MACHINE THREAD 5365270503820 270503820 1/1
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105042-3 An item with a cylindrical shaped body having external threads other than pipe or hose series
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5365-27-050-3820 is a Machine Thread Plug

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Turkey (ZW)

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