

5365151561352 151561352 C66348

A thin flat metal or plastic item of various peripheral shapes having a solid or laminated cross-section. It is designed to maintain a predetermined distance between two surfaces. For round items without a hole and having a solid rectangular cross-section use DISK, SOLID, PLAIN. Items with either (1) a solid (not laminated) cross-section, or (2) a non-separable laminated cross-section with one hole centrally located, must have a thickness less than 0.006 inch (0.152 mm) for items less than 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) outside diameter or shortest distance across peripheral flats, and less than 0.016 inch (0.406 mm) for items 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) or more outside diameter, or shortest distance across peripheral flats. For items with thickness greater than those indicated above, see SPACER, PLATE; WASHER, FLAT and SPACER, RING. When thickness and/or outside diameter or shortest distance across peripheral flats is designated as a tolerance dimension, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance. See also SHIM STOCK, LAMINATED; SHIM STOCK ASSORTMENT, GASKET; and BEARING, WASHER, THRUST. View more Shim

5365-15-156-1352 SHIM 5365151561352 151561352

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NSN Created on 3 Dec 2002
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