
Sleeve Spacer

5365143938460 143938460 4176974

A tubular shaped item with a round or hexagon peripheral shape having two flat bearing surfaces perpendicular to the axis of the centrally located hole. It is designed to maintain a predetermined distance between assembled parts. The item may be with or without flange(s) of any peripheral shape. The overall length must exceed 25 percent of the outside diameter or distance across peripheral flats of the body. (When the length, outside diameter, and/or distance across peripheral flats are designed as a tolerance, the maximum dimension will be used to determine compliance). For items having other than a round or hexagon peripheral shape, see SPACER, PLATE. Excludes items with lubricating features, see BEARING, SLEEVE and BUSHING, SLEEVE. See also BUSHING, TAPERED; SPACER, RING; WASHER, FLAT; and WASHER, (as modified). View more Sleeve Spacer

5365-14-393-8460 SPACER,SLEEVE 5365143938460 143938460

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NSN Created on 23 Jun 1984
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5365-14-393-8460 SPACER,SLEEVE 5365143938460 143938460 1/1
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4176974 A tubular shaped item with a round or hexagon peripheral shape having two flat bearing surfaces
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