
Compression Helical Spring

5360171190531 171190531 S56002

An open coiled spring, wound in various forms and from different shapes and types of materials and finished at the ends, designed to provide resistance to compression forces. Excludes springs designed for thermal actuation (springs in which the torsion forces are designed to be counteracted by changes in temperature) and SPRING, REINFORCING, HOSE. View more Compression Helical Spring

5360-17-119-0531 SPRING,HELICAL,COMPRESSION 5360171190531 171190531

Managed by Netherlands
NSN Created on 27 Oct 2006
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January 2023
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5360-17-119-0531 SPRING,HELICAL,COMPRESSION 5360171190531 171190531 1/1
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S56002 An open coiled spring, wound in various forms and from different shapes and types of materials
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Netherlands (ZN)

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