
Extension Helical Spring

5360123856613 123856613 7125284-90

An open-or close-coiled spring, wound in various forms and from different shapes and types of materials and finished at the ends, so designed to provide resistance to pulling forces. The close-coiled springs may incorporate the special feature of initial tension created between the coils when wound so that an initial load must be applied to separate them. Excludes SPRING, REINFORCING, HOSE. View more Extension Helical Spring

5360-12-385-6613 SPRING,HELICAL,EXTENSION 5360123856613 123856613

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 Jun 2011
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January 2023
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5360-12-385-6613 SPRING,HELICAL,EXTENSION 5360123856613 123856613 1/1
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7125284-90 An open-or close-coiled spring, wound in various forms and from different shapes and types
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