
Scale Dial

5355144645960 144645960 511628

A dial designed to be read in conjunction with a vernier indicator, pointer(s) or like instruments, which device is not an integral part of the item. The item does not have facilities for connection to a tuning or selection mechanism to position the mechanism. However, it may be designed to be mounted on a knob used to position the mechanism. Excludes SCALEPLATE, ELECTRICAL METER. See also DIAL, CONTROL. View more Scale Dial

5355-14-464-5960 DIAL,SCALE 5355144645960 144645960

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NSN Created on 11 Aug 1993
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Scale Dial 5355144645960 144645960,511628 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5355-14
-464-5960Scale Dial5355144645960 144645960 511628 NumberManufacturerStatus511628 F9111 - Thales Avs France

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