
Abrasive Grain

5350217129902 217129902 533 5350-0131

A size graded organic or mineral cutting or polishing agent of natural or artificial origin. Excludes SAND, SANDBLAST (silica sand); POLISHING ABRASIVE, OPTICAL GLASS; PUMICE, TECHNICAL; ROTTENSTONE; and ROUGE, ABRASIVE. View more Abrasive Grain

5350-21-712-9902 GRAIN,ABRASIVE 5350217129902 217129902

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NSN Created on 6 Jun 1968
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5350-21-712-9902 GRAIN,ABRASIVE 5350217129902 217129902 1/1
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533 5350-0131 A size graded organic or mineral cutting or polishing agent of natural or artificial origin
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5350/uk 5350-99-125-4531 Abrasive Grain 5350991254531 991254531 619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5350/nz 5350-98-107-2439 Abrasive Grain 5350981072439 981072439 619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
Abrasive Grain 5350226044706 226044706,86169 Abrasive Grain 5340251511196 251511196 619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
99-514-9428 5350-66-138-0208 5350-66-016-0836 Abrasive Grain 5350991254531 991254531 619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
99-514-9428 5350-66-138-0208 5350-66-016-0836 Abrasive Grain 5350981072439 981072439 619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
5350991254530 991254530 99-125-4530 Abrasive Grain 5350991254530991254530 631-0665 5350-00-619-8973 5350-21-712-9902
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5350010236153 010236153 01-023-6153 Abrasive Grain 5350010236153010236153 631-0665 5350-00-619-8973 5350-21-712-9902

5350-21-712-9902 Demil Restrictions 5350-21-712-9902


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