
Door Closer Dog

5342580005296 580005296 708164 10312029

A metallic item of one piece construction which is a component part of a door closer mechanism. It is designed to provide a seat for a torsion spring and transmit pressure from the ratchet to the spindle of a door closer. View more Door Closer Dog

5342-58-000-5296 DOG,DOOR CLOSER 5342580005296 580005296

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NSN Created on 17 Jan 2012
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5342-58-000-5296 DOG,DOOR CLOSER 5342580005296 580005296 1/1
NSN 5342-58-000-5296 (Generic Image) 1/1

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708164 10312029 A metallic item of one piece construction which is a component part of a door closer
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is a Door Closer Dog NATO Stock Numbers Related https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5342/fi 5342-58-000-5296
Door Closer Dog 5342580005296 580005296 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5342/us 5342-01-084-7929
994819818 Related to 2540-99-481-9818 5342-12-366-5050 5342-33-000-9956 5342-58-000-5296 Closer
006939027 Related to 5342-00-693-9027 5342-12-366-5050 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5342/fi 5342-58-000-5296
Door Closer Dog 5342580005296 580005296 Dog 5342010847929 010847929 2540994819818 994819818 Stock
Numbers Related to 2540-99-481-9818 5342-12-366-5050 5342-33-000-9956 5342-58-000-5296 005983554,135
2008 5342-58-000-5872 Corrosion Preventive Anode 31017403RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 16 Nov 2012 5342-58-000-5296
2540994819818 994819818 Stock Numbers Related to 2540-99-481-9818 5342-12-366-5050 5342-33-000-9956 5342-58-000-5296
005983554,135-3 Stock Numbers Related to 5342-00-598-3554 5342-12-366-5050 5342-33-000-9956 5342-58-000-5296
005982700,135-4 Stock Numbers Related to 5342-00-598-2700 5342-12-366-5050 5342-33-000-9956 5342-58-000-5296

5342-58-000-5296 Demil Restrictions 5342-58-000-5296


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Finland (WF)

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