
Container Adapter

5342123635215 123635215 1034841

An item used to brace, block, and/or cushion a specific item in a container not specifically designed to hold the item. It may require the use of other items, such as brackets, shock mounts, and bolts, but does not include such items. Do not use if a more specific name is available. See also ADAPTER KIT, CONTAINER; and INSERT (as modified). View more Container Adapter

5342-12-363-5215 ADAPTER,CONTAINER 5342123635215 123635215

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 24 Jun 2004
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January 2023
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5342-12-363-5215 ADAPTER,CONTAINER 5342123635215 123635215 1/1
NSN 5342-12-363-5215 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1034841 An item used to brace, block, and/or cushion a specific item in a container not specifically
Germany (DE) 4. 5342-12-363-5215 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5342-12-363-5215 RQST Updated Every Day 5342-12-363-5215 RQST NE Restrictions
to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 2040-14-535-7771Bulb Hook Socket2040145357771 145357771 1034841
2040-14-546-5638 2040145465638 145465638 is a raised surface mounted receptacle with single or multiple bulb shaped openings designed to receive and secure bulb-hook type fasteners.

5342-12-363-5215 Demil Restrictions 5342-12-363-5215


5342-12-363-5215 is a Container Adapter

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Denmark (ZS)

5342-12-363-5215 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5342-12-363-5215

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