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Manual Control Handle

5340014401660 014401660 75642

A rigid item with a plain or serrated gripping surface, designed to be grasped with the hand(s) for the purpose of manually transmitting rotary or linear motion to other devices, and/or holding and guiding an item in a desired position during operation. It may be fixed or rotating and furnished with mounting attachments, such as pin, stud, bolt, or the like. It may also be adjusted to a hand crank arm, a handwheel, or the like. Excludes KNOB; CRANK, HAND; and LEVER, MANUAL CONTROL. See also HANDLE (as modified). Do not use if a more specific name applies. View more Manual Control Handle

5340-01-440-1660 HANDLE,MANUAL CONTROL 5340014401660 014401660

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 6 Jan 1997
Data Last Changed
November 2023
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5340-01-440-1660 HANDLE,MANUAL CONTROL 5340014401660 014401660 1/1
NSN 5340-01-440-1660 (Generic Image) 1/1

5340-01-440-1660 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5340-01-440-1660

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75642 A rigid item with a plain or serrated gripping surface, designed to be grasped with the hand(s
United States (US) 4. 5340-01-440-1660 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Updated Every Day 5340-01-440-1660
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4130-01-279-7569Lower Suction Header4130012797569 012797569 363-75642
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4130-01-279-7569Lower Suction Header4130012797569 012797569 363-75642
AMC 3 AMSC D IMC Z IMCACTY GH Approved Sources 4130-01-279-7569 Part NumberManufacturerStatus363 -75642
your Account Upgrade 5310-14-206-3998Flat Washer5310142063998 142063998 509 399-02T01-09 062075642 75642
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4130-01-279-7569Lower Suction Header4130012797569 012797569 363-75642
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5975-14-573-0544Interior Cable Rack5975145730544 145730544 75642
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5975-14-573-0544Interior Cable Rack5975145730544 145730544 75642
75642 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4130-01-279-7569Lower Suction Header4130012797569 012797569
Manual Control Handle 5340014401660 014401660 $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5340-01-440
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5975-14-573-0544Interior Cable Rack5975145730544 145730544 75642
/ /fsg-59/fsc-5975/fr 5975-14-573-0544 Interior Cable Rack 5975145730544145730544 75642
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4130-01-279-7569Lower Suction Header4130012797569 012797569 363-75642

5340-01-440-1660 Demil Restrictions 5340-01-440-1660


5340-01-440-1660 is a Manual Control Handle that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item may be hazardous as it is in a Federal Supply Class for potentially hazardous items. A MSDS should be available from the supplier for the end user to evaluate any hazards. This item does not contain a precious metal. This item is sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge and Electromagnetic Interference.

5340-01-440-1660 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5340-01-440-1660

5340-01-440-1660 Stock, Inventory and Procurement DLA Procurement Analysis 5340-01-440-1660

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5340-01-440-1660 Management Data Management Data 5340-01-440-1660

Effective Date
Unit of Issue
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Qty Unit Pack
Aug 2016
Department of the Air Force (DF)
Order of Use
Jump To Code
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Technical Document
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Department of the Air Force (DF)
Discontinued Without Replacement
Defense Logistics Agency (DS)
Discontinued Without Replacement

5340-01-440-1660 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5340-01-440-1660

5340-01-440-1660 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 5340-01-440-1660 October 2021

Criticality and Quality

Critical Item Code:
Flight Safety:
Life Support:
Certified Samples:
First Article Test (FAT):
Certificate of Quality Compliance:
Production Lot Testing:
Special Testing:
Qualified Products List (QPL):

Commercial Properties

Government Furnished Material:
Government Furnished Tooling:
Government Furnished Property:
Price Evaluation Code:
Diminshing Manufacturing Sources:
Commerical Off The Shelf (COTS):
End Item Application:
Auctioning Candidate:
Source of Procurement:
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Boeing Rights Guard:
Export Controlled:
Controlled Technical Data Package (TDP):
Restricted Technical Data Package (TDP):
Contains Classified Material
Weapons System Indicator Code (WSIC):

Packaging Requirements

Packaging Determination Table:
Packaging Review Code:
Special Packaging Instruction Number (SPIN):
Special Packaging Instruction Number Revision:
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Pallet Reference Number Required: