
Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cap

5340995354770 995354770 AI15-1047-A4 AI15-1047

An item specifically designed to fit over the opening(s) of various items to provide mechanical protection and/or to prevent the entrance of foreign matter during painting, shipping, storage, or the like. It is not designed to retain fluids under pressure during equipment operation. Excludes COVER, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR; HOOD, SEALING, BOTTLE; and STOPPER, BOTTLE. For items designed to fit into or over the opening(s) of various items, see CAP-PLUG, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL. View more Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cap

5340-99-535-4770 CAP,PROTECTIVE,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 5340995354770 995354770

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5340-99-535-4770 CAP,PROTECTIVE,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 5340995354770 995354770 1/1
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Standard RNCC 2 RNVC 2 DAC 3 23290-151047 C7773 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/uk 5340-99-535-4770
Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cap 5340-99-535-4770 5340995354770 995354770 is an item specifically
1005-99-385-8147 1005993858147 993858147 is an item designed to detonate a sensitive explosive to initiate an explosive train or propelling charge by percussion and/or electrical means. it is mounted on or within the breechblock of a gun (as modified). excludes howitzer, (as modified); rifle, recoilless, (as modified); and mortar (as modified). see also pin, firing.
Button AI13-1790RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2AI13-1790-A3RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 1 Jun 1998 5340-99-535-4770
Sep 2000 1240-66-159-2293 Camera To S Adapter LE58391RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 6 14 Apr 2011 5340-99-535-4770

5340-99-535-4770 Demil Restrictions 5340-99-535-4770


5340-99-535-4770 is a Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cap

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