
General Purpose Guard Rail Section

5340995008110 995008110 SA00000107

A metallic tubular structure mounted on platforms,roofs and the like to prevent personnel and/or equipment from falling overboard. It is designed and fitted for a quick connecting-disconnecting. It may include fastening hardware. View more Utility Guard Rail Section

5340-99-500-8110 GUARD RAIL SECTION,GENERAL PURPOSE 5340995008110 995008110

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NSN Created on 11 Mar 2008
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January 2023
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5340-99-500-8110 GUARD RAIL SECTION,GENERAL PURPOSE 5340995008110 995008110 1/1
NSN 5340-99-500-8110 (Generic Image) 1/1

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SA00000107 A metallic tubular structure mounted on platforms,roofs and the like to prevent personnel
United Kingdom (UK) 4. 5340-99-500-8110 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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5340-99-500-8110 is a General Purpose Guard Rail Section

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United Kingdom (ZK)

5340-99-500-8110 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5340-99-500-8110

5340-99-500-8110 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5340-99-500-8110