
Retaining Strap

5340170527574 170527574 X12063-031

A preformed item of rigid or semirigid material designed to partially surround other items such as cable(s), conduit(s), pipe(s), tube(s), or rod(s) or to completely surround them by means of a bridge strap(s) (which does not tightly clamp against the complete periphery). It is designed to retain and/or position the items close to a structure. It may be fastened to the structure on one end, both ends, or in the center. See also CLAMP, LOOP. Excludes BRACKET, PIPE; STRAP, LEATHER and STRAP, WEBBING. View more Retaining Strap

5340-17-052-7574 STRAP,RETAINING 5340170527574 170527574

Managed by Netherlands
NSN Created on 12 Aug 1982
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-17-052-7574 STRAP,RETAINING 5340170527574 170527574 1/1
NSN 5340-17-052-7574 (Generic Image) 1/1

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X12063-031 A preformed item of rigid or semirigid material designed to partially surround other items
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Netherlands (ZN)

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