
Caster Wheel

5340375163144 375163144 83031452

A circular item made of metallic or nonmetallic material designed for use as part of a CASTER, RIGID and/or CASTER, SWIVEL. The tread may or may not be removeable and it is usually furnished with bearings installed. For items constructed entirely of one material see WHEEL(1), SOLID, METALLIC or WHEEL(1), SOLID, NONMETALLIC. View more Caster Wheel

5340-37-516-3144 WHEEL,CASTER 5340375163144 375163144

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NSN Created on 12 Nov 2008
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5340-37-516-3144 WHEEL,CASTER 5340375163144 375163144 1/1
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83031452 A circular item made of metallic or nonmetallic material designed for use as part of a CASTER
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5340-37-516-3144 is a Caster Wheel

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Republic of Korea (ZH)

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