
Tee Hinge

5340145769352 145769352 CHARN00073 5340MT0200164

A hinge whose general shape is like the letter T, with one leaf resembling that of a butt hinge, and the other that of a strap hinge. The hinge may also have both leaves resembling strap hinges or butt hinges of different widths. View more Tee Hinge

5340-14-576-9352 HINGE,TEE 5340145769352 145769352

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NSN Created on 23 Jul 2013
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5340-14-576-9352 HINGE,TEE 5340145769352 145769352 1/1
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CHARN00073 5340MT0200164 A hinge whose general shape is like the letter T, with one leaf resembling
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France (ZF)

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