
Tie Down Adapter

5340145768811 145768811 82531424000

A plate type adapter designed to be attached to a structural component to provide the necessary accommodations to secure cargo. It may contain a ring or other attachment fitting. (Excludes ADAPTER, TIE DOWN, AIRCRAFT FLOOR and ADAPTER, TIE DOWN, AIRCRAFT) View more Tie Down Adapter

5340-14-576-8811 ADAPTER,TIE DOWN 5340145768811 145768811

Managed by France
NSN Created on 19 Jul 2013
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-14-576-8811 ADAPTER,TIE DOWN 5340145768811 145768811 1/1
NSN 5340-14-576-8811 (Generic Image) 1/1

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82531424000 A plate type adapter designed to be attached to a structural component to provide the necessary
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5340-14-576-8811 is a Tie Down Adapter

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France (ZF)

5340-14-576-8811 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5340-14-576-8811

5340-14-576-8811 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5340-14-576-8811