
Butt Hinge

5340145562574 145562574 R 133 ACM 44425C

A hinge usually with rectangularly shaped leaves. The dimension parallel to the hinge pin must be greater than the dimension transverse to the hinge pin. It may have a tension coil spring at its pivot(s) for closing action, and may have a third member between its pivot(s) to permit the door, or the like, to swing in an arc from either side. View more Butt Hinge

5340-14-556-2574 HINGE,BUTT 5340145562574 145562574

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R 133 ACM 44425C A hinge usually with rectangularly shaped leaves.
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5340-17-112-3163 5340-13-114-1043 5340-12-301-3819 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/fr 5340-14-556-2574
Butt Hinge 5340145562574 145562574 5340-22-120-2973 Butt Hinge 5340221202973 221202973 310-6756
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Butt Hinge 5340145562574 145562574 53/fsc-5340/dk 5340-22-120-2973 Butt Hinge 5340221202973 221202973
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5340-21-660-0210 25/fsc-2540/ca 2540-21-896-8770 Butt Hinge 2540218968770 218968770 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574
5340-21-660-0210 53/fsc-5340/uk 5340-99-110-1382 Butt Hinge 5340991101382 991101382 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574
5340-21-660-0210 868-8248 5340-21-660-0242 5340-12-319-7902 2540218968770 218968770 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/dk 5340-22-120-2973 Butt Hinge 5340221202973 221202973 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/ca 2540-21-896-8770 Butt Hinge 2540218968770 218968770 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/uk 5340-99-110-1382 Butt Hinge 5340991101382 991101382 740-4705 5340-14-556-2574

5340-14-556-2574 Demil Restrictions 5340-14-556-2574


5340-14-556-2574 is a Butt Hinge

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France (ZF)

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