
Swivel Caster

5340145505504 145505504 LRA-VPA 75G

A caster designed to allow rotation of the wheel(s) or spherical constructed item in more than one plane. View more Swivel Caster

5340-14-550-5504 CASTER,SWIVEL 5340145505504 145505504

Managed by France
NSN Created on 23 Jun 2006
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July 2023
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5340-14-550-5504 CASTER,SWIVEL 5340145505504 145505504 1/1
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LRA-VPA 75G A caster designed to allow rotation of the wheel(s) or spherical constructed item in more
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5340-14-550-5504 is a Swivel Caster

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France (ZF)

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