
Access Door Locking Ring

5340145112152 145112152 9040-500-027A

An item having a V-, U- or channel-shaped cross section, with fastening and tightening devices on the ends. It is specifically designed to surround, secure and/or seal an access door. Excludes RING, LOCKING, METAL DRUM COVER and CLAMP, RIM CLINCHING. View more Access Door Locking Ring

5340-14-511-2152 RING,LOCKING,ACCESS DOOR 5340145112152 145112152

Managed by France
NSN Created on 9 Dec 1998
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-14-511-2152 RING,LOCKING,ACCESS DOOR 5340145112152 145112152 1/1
NSN 5340-14-511-2152 (Generic Image) 1/1

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9040-500-027A An item having a V-, U- or channel-shaped cross section, with fastening and tightening
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5340-14-511-2152 is a Access Door Locking Ring

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France (ZF)

5340-14-511-2152 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5340-14-511-2152

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