
Angle Bracket

5340144542324 144542324 70902J122044 122044 5044901

A ridge item, usually of flat material, formed into a dihedral angle (generally a right angle) which may be reinforced; it is designed to position, align, or support an item(s) in relation to another. Excludes BRACE (as modified); BRACKET (1), MOUNTING; and BRACKET, SHELF. View more Angle Bracket

5340-14-454-2324 BRACKET,ANGLE 5340144542324 144542324

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NSN Created on 26 Mar 1992
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July 2023
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5340-14-454-2324 BRACKET,ANGLE 5340144542324 144542324 1/1
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70902J122044 122044 5044901 A ridge item, usually of flat material, formed into a dihedral angle (generally
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Angle Bracket 5340144542324 144542324 JavaScript in your web browser . 5340-14-454-2324Angle Bracket5340144542324
1PA39630-122044 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight
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1PA39630-122044 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight
0-1220441PA39630-122044 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from
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1PA39630-122044 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight
0-1220441PA39630-122044 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from

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