
Detent Plunger

5340144167871 144167871 1101507

A metallic item, solid or tubular, having one closed end formed to fit into a shallow recess or groove, or having a flat or concave surface used to exert pressure against a component part. It is designed for use with a SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION, which exerts pressure to hold a shaft, pin, or the like, in a semirigid position in housings or other mechanical devices. Does not have internal or external threads. Excludes PLUNGER, QUICK RELEASE. For electrical items, see DETENT, SWITCH and PLUNGER, SOLENOID. See also CATCH, FRICTION. View more Detent Plunger

5340-14-416-7871 PLUNGER,DETENT 5340144167871 144167871

Managed by France
NSN Created on 25 Jun 1987
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5340-14-416-7871 PLUNGER,DETENT 5340144167871 144167871 1/1
NSN 5340-14-416-7871 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1101507 A metallic item, solid or tubular, having one closed end formed to fit into a shallow recess
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5340-14-416-7871 is a Detent Plunger

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France (ZF)

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