
Anchor Strap

5340143565367 143565367 394

A metal item specifically designed to secure a structure to its foundation, or to anchor structural members in a fixed position. It may be straight or bent to form legs generally of unequal lengths. Excludes BRACE, CORNER; and PLATE, MENDING; and Item Names with the basic names "Bracket". View more Anchor Strap

5340-14-356-5367 ANCHOR STRAP 5340143565367 143565367

Managed by France
NSN Created on 15 May 1979
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5340-14-356-5367 ANCHOR STRAP 5340143565367 143565367 1/1
NSN 5340-14-356-5367 (Generic Image) 1/1

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394 A metal item specifically designed to secure a structure to its foundation, or to anchor structural
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France (ZF)

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