
Mounting Plate

5340332014231 332014231 A2810436-402

A metallic or nonmetallic item which is rigid, flat and generally smooth. Its thickness is small in comparison to its length and width. It is designed for mounting another item and may have drilled or threaded holes or other facilities for mounting to a supporting object or surface. See SUPPORT, as modified. Do not use if a more specific name applies. View more Mounting Plate

5340-33-201-4231 PLATE,MOUNTING 5340332014231 332014231

Managed by Spain
NSN Created on 11 Jul 2002
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July 2023
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5340-33-201-4231 PLATE,MOUNTING 5340332014231 332014231 1/1
NSN 5340-33-201-4231 (Generic Image) 1/1

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A2810436-402 A metallic or nonmetallic item which is rigid, flat and generally smooth.
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5340-33-201-4231 is a Mounting Plate

5340-33-201-4231 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5340-33-201-4231

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