
Door Hook And Eye

5340331162883 331162883 52.61

A holding device consisting of a shank with a hook-shaped head and an eye-shaped end, and a separate eye screw into which the head of the hook fits for holding doors, screens, and the like in a fixed position. the eye-shaped end may or may not have an eye screw attached. See also EYE HOOK. Excludes HOOK, DOOR. View more Door Hook And Eye

5340-33-116-2883 HOOK AND EYE,DOOR 5340331162883 331162883

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NSN Created on 27 Jul 1995
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July 2023
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5340-33-116-2883 HOOK AND EYE,DOOR 5340331162883 331162883 1/1
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Spain (YB)

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