
Compression Cup

5340330013749 330013749 92019901

A nonmetallic cup-shaped item designed to be located within a cylinder, and whose contact edge with the cylinder walls is usually feathered. This item, by means of extrusion, makes close physical contact with the cylinder walls in order to prevent the escape of internal pressure. The item may have a center hole and/or bolt holes. Excludes CUP, HYDRAULIC BRAKE CYLINDER. View more Compression Cup

5340-33-001-3749 CUP,COMPRESSION 5340330013749 330013749

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NSN Created on 12 Mar 1997
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July 2023
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5340-33-001-3749 CUP,COMPRESSION 5340330013749 330013749 1/1
NSN 5340-33-001-3749 (Generic Image) 1/1

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92019901 A nonmetallic cup-shaped item designed to be located within a cylinder, and whose contact edge
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5340-33-001-3749 is a Compression Cup

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Spain (YB)

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