
Hasp Staple

5340123714862 123714862 23302-186942.00 2759243

An eye or U-shaped piece of material affixed to a plate used as a fastener, usually in conjunction with a hasp and pin or hasp and padlock. View more Hasp Staple

5340-12-371-4862 STAPLE,HASP 5340123714862 123714862

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 4 Apr 2007
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-12-371-4862 STAPLE,HASP 5340123714862 123714862 1/1
NSN 5340-12-371-4862 (Generic Image) 1/1

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23302-186942.00 2759243 An eye or U-shaped piece of material affixed to a plate used as a fastener,
Germany (DE) 4. 5340-12-371-4862 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5340-12-371-4862 RQST Updated Every Day 5340-12-371-4862 RQST NE Restrictions

5340-12-371-4862 Demil Restrictions 5340-12-371-4862


5340-12-371-4862 is a Hasp Staple

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Germany (ZG)

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