
Clamping Catch

5340123251551 123251551 TL-20-102-52 TL803B-1 TL803B1

A positive fastening device consisting of a mountable base with an extended loop, claw, or the like. It may include a catch strike and mounting hardware for its complete installation on flat surfaces. The loop, claw, or the like can be manually engaged or disengaged readily for the purpose of securing the mating sections of a suitcase, locker-trunk, shipping and storage container, prefabricated building, tool chest or the like. Excludes CATCH, ELBOW; CATCH, FLUSH; CATCH, FRICTION; and LATCH or LOCK (as modified). View more Clamping Catch

5340-12-325-1551 CATCH,CLAMPING 5340123251551 123251551

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 8 May 1991
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-12-325-1551 CATCH,CLAMPING 5340123251551 123251551 1/1
NSN 5340-12-325-1551 (Generic Image) 1/1

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TL-20-102-52 TL803B-1 TL803B1 A positive fastening device consisting of a mountable base with an extended
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