
Loop Clamp

5340123182386 123182386 DIN3015-Z-A-1R-12-12-PP-W1 HRZ1A12-12PP STMBL RBPR1-112 SP112/12PP-GD-AS HR1ZA12-12.0/1 05DSSP11212PP0 DIN3015-ZA1R-12-/2PP-W1 F300 0T 022 3779

A clamp designed to surround other item(s) such as cable(s), conduit(s), pipe(s), hose(s), or tube(s), and to fasten together or to another object or structure. Includes straight flexible items. For items specifically designed to clamp a hose to a connection to prevent leakage, see CLAMP, HOSE. See also HANGER, PIPE and CLIP, SPRING TENSION. For retaining straps with a bridge, see STRAP, RETAINING. Excludes CLAMP, ELECTRICAL; BAND, RETAINING; CLAMP (1), C; BRACKET PIPE. View more Loop Clamp

5340-12-318-2386 CLAMP,LOOP 5340123182386 123182386

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 22 Jun 1989
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5340-12-318-2386 CLAMP,LOOP 5340123182386 123182386 1/1
NSN 5340-12-318-2386 (Generic Image) 1/1

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DIN3015-Z-A-1R-12-12-PP-W1 HRZ1A12-12PP STMBL RBPR1-112 SP112/12PP-GD-AS HR1ZA12-12.0/1 05DSSP11212PP0
DIN3015-ZA1R-12-/2PP-W1 F300 0T 022 3779 A clamp designed to surround other item(s) such as cable(s)
5340-12-318-2386 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC : 5340-12-318-2386

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