
Nut And Bolt Locking Plate

5340121968514 121968514 YK2152198 2152198EZ0174-43 0215 2198 2152198

A relatively thin metal item of various shapes, having two or more bolt holes and locking ears or tabs. The item is designed to be inserted on the bolts and the ears or tabs bent against the wrenching flat(s) of the bolt head or nut to restrict loosening of the bolt or nut. The locking ears or tabs may be prebent. See also RETAINER, NUT AND BOLT. View more Nut And Bolt Locking Plate

5340-12-196-8514 LOCKING PLATE,NUT AND BOLT 5340121968514 121968514

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NSN Created on 24 Aug 1983
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YK2152198 2152198EZ0174-43 0215 2198 2152198 A relatively thin metal item of various shapes, having
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