
Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Plug

5340121888688 121888688 0637 510 340 10,5ATE N 144 90 41-4911-1900-0 41.4911-1900.0 41491119000

An item specifically designed to fit into the opening(s) of various items to provide mechanical protection and/or prevent the entrance of foreign matter during painting, shipping storage, or the like. It is not designed to retain fluids under pressure during equipment operation. Excludes PLUG (as modified) and STOPPER, BOTTLE. For items designed to fit into or over the opening(s) of various items, see CAP-PLUG, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL. View more Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Plug

5340-12-188-8688 PLUG,PROTECTIVE,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 5340121888688 121888688

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NSN Created on 5 Aug 1981
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5340-12-188-8688 PLUG,PROTECTIVE,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 5340121888688 121888688 1/1
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0637 510 340 10,5ATE N 144 90 41-4911-1900-0 41.4911-1900.0 41491119000 An item specifically designed
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5340-12-188-8688 RQST Updated Every Day 5340-12-188-8688 RQST NE Restrictions
5340-12-188-8688 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC : 5340-12-188-8688
2373 Part NumberManufacturerStatus03.3526-1900.0 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/de 5340-12-188-8688
Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Plug Seal Protective Plug5340121888688 121888688 0637 510 340
10,5ATE N 144 90 41-4911-1900-0 41.4911-1900.0 Ohg (Active) Secondary Buy RNCC 5 RNVC 2 DAC 3 41.4911
6350-00-261-9209 https//www.nsnlookup.com /cage https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/de 5340-12-188-8688
Protective Plug your web browser . 5340-12-188-8688Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Plug5340121888688 121888688
0637 510 Netherlands (ZN) Norway (ZT) Turkey (ZW) Approved Sources 5340-12-188-8688 Part NumberManufacturerStatus0637

5340-12-188-8688 Demil Restrictions 5340-12-188-8688


5340-12-188-8688 is a Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Plug

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