
Rod End Clevis

5340121241204 121241204 DIN71752-G14X28-35S20K-A3P 100200140028/024-35S20K DIN71752-G14X28-35S20K G14X28DIN71752-35S20K

A forked part, having transverse hole(s) or slot(s) in each arm (prong) to accommodate a bolt, pin, or the like, and having a connection facility opposite the fork. It is designed to be attached to a shaft, rod, turnbuckle or the like by welding, threading, and/or pinning. May include provisions for locking. See also YOKE, UNIVERSAL JOINT and CONNECTOR, ROD END. For items specifically designed for aviation, see CLEVIS, ROD END, AVIATION. View more Rod End Clevis

5340-12-124-1204 CLEVIS,ROD END 5340121241204 121241204

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NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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5340-12-124-1204 CLEVIS,ROD END 5340121241204 121241204 1/1
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DIN71752-G14X28-35S20K-A3P 100200140028/024-35S20K DIN71752-G14X28-35S20K G14X28DIN71752-35S20K A forked
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5340-12-124-1204 RQST Updated Every Day 5340-12-124-1204 RQST NE Related Documents
D8286 - Din Deutsches Institut Fur Normung (Active) Definitive Standard RNCC 2 RNVC 2 DAC 3 DIN71752-G14X28-35S20K
Documents 5340-12-124-4561 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/de 5340-12-124-1204
Rod End Clevis 5340121241204 121241204 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5340-12-124-1204Rod
End Clevis5340121241204 121241204 DIN71752-G14X28 -35S20K-A3P 100200140028/024-35S20K DIN71752-G14X28
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Restrictions 5340-12-124-1204 DEMIL: | DEMILI : https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5340/uk 5340

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