
Weapon System Resilient Mount

5340218938953 218938953

An item made of material having elastic properties. It may have rigid mounting facilities such as a flange(s), sleeve(s), stud(s) or the like. It is designed to isolate or dampen shock and/or vibration of a continuous or intermittent origin and serve as a support for a weapon system component to be isolated. Excludes MOUNT, RESILIENT, UTILITY&#59; SPRING (as modified)&#59; BUMPER, NONMETALLIC&#59; BUMPER, RUBBER&#59; BUSHING, NONMETALLIC&#59; hydraulic and pneumatic shock absorbers, dash-pots, grommets, and shock pads. View more Weapon System Resilient Mount

5340-21-893-8953 MOUNT,RESILIENT,WEAPON SYSTEM 5340218938953 218938953

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5340-21-893-8953 MOUNT,RESILIENT,WEAPON SYSTEM 5340218938953 218938953 1/1
NSN 5340-21-893-8953 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5340-21-893-8953 is a Weapon System Resilient Mount

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