
Dust And Moisture Seal Boot

5340661184474 661184474 N 6557

A flexible, nonmetallic item designed to prevent entry of dust, moisture and other contaminants into critical areas around shafts, levers, electrical wires and hoses. Sealing may be either static or dynamic. The item may include mounting hardware (support plates, clamps and the like). Excludes BELLOWS, PROTECTION; GROMMET, NONMETALLIC; and CABLE NIPPLE, ELECTRICAL. See also CAP, ELECTRICAL; CAP, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL; and SHIELD, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. View more Dust And Moisture Seal Boot

5340-66-118-4474 BOOT,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 5340661184474 661184474

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NSN Created on 9 Mar 1984
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N 6557 A flexible, nonmetallic item designed to prevent entry of dust, moisture and other contaminants
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