
Wire Fabric

5335145126394 145126394 NNP 4820864527331

An item made by weaving and/or welding wires so as to form meshes, or openings between the wires, and having a variety of uses which, in general, determines its mesh and wire size and design. If cut to size for straining or filtering purposes, see STRAINER ELEMENT, SEDIMENT and FILTERING DISK, FLUID. Excludes FENCING WIRE; and WIRE MESH, KNITTED. View more Wire Fabric

5335-14-512-6394 WIRE FABRIC 5335145126394 145126394

Managed by France
NSN Created on 17 Feb 1999
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July 2023
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5335-14-512-6394 WIRE FABRIC 5335145126394 145126394 1/1
NSN 5335-14-512-6394 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5335-14-512-6394 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5335 Metal Screening
3 2 Jun 1983 5335-14-553-5055 Wire Fabric T533F1128129RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 11 Apr 2007 5335-14-512-6394
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5335-14-512-6394 Demil Restrictions 5335-14-512-6394


5335-14-512-6394 is a Wire Fabric

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