

5331991448321 991448321 100035418 1-00035-418

A nonmetallic circular item with an aperature, having a solid round cross-section. They are used primarily for sealing. For items with other than round cross section, see PACKING,PREFORMED. For noncircular items with a round cross-section, see SEAL,NONMETALLIC ROUND SECTION and RUBBER,ROUND SECTION. View more O-Ring

5331-99-144-8321 O-RING 5331991448321 991448321

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NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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5331-99-144-8321 O-RING 5331991448321 991448321 1/1
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100035418 1-00035-418 A nonmetallic circular item with an aperature, having a solid round cross-section
United Kingdom (UK) 4. 5331-99-144-8321 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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for $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5330-00-452-7262Preformed Packing5330004527262 004527262 100035418
1-00035-418 99-1448321 A circular shaped item with an aperture manufactured to predetermined dimensions
O-Ring 5331991448321 991448321,100035418 instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser

5331-99-144-8321 Demil Restrictions 5331-99-144-8321


5331-99-144-8321 is a O-Ring

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