

5330171046681 171046681 9002129

A deformable material which prevents the passage of matter through the joint formed when two faces are joined. It may be metallic or nonmetallic, lubricated or impregnated, solid or hollow cross section. It may be made to any predetermined dimension and shape. Excludes flat disks, items made of felt material and items having joints. For round metal and plastic items with an aperture and a solid rectangular cross section, see WASHER, FLAT; SHIM; BEARING, WASHER, THRUST; and SPACER RING. Excludes DISK, VALVE; SEAL, NONMETALLIC ANGLE; SEAL, NONMETALLIC CHANNEL; SEAL, NONMETALLIC SPECIAL SHAPED SECTION; SHIELDING GASKET, ELECTRONIC; and RING, SEALING JAR. View more Gasket

5330-17-104-6681 GASKET 5330171046681 171046681

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5330-17-104-6681 GASKET 5330171046681 171046681 1/1
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9002129 A deformable material which prevents the passage of matter through the joint formed when two
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Documents 5330-17-119-0738 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5330/nl 5330-17-104-6681
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fsg-53/fsc-5365/fr 5365-14-386-5583 Externally Threaded Ring 5365143865583,18054 54064802129 ITEM 9002129
3940996133826996133826 browser . 3940-99-613-3826Multiple Leg Sling3940996133826 99613382654064802129 ITEM 9002129

5330-17-104-6681 Demil Restrictions 5330-17-104-6681


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