
Plain Encased Seal

5330145758008 145758008 9500180 9661336434

A pliable rubber, felt, leather, or composition ring-shaped element, split or solid; with or without spring or spreader, having a metal shell on all or a portion of at least two of the outer surfaces. It may be designed to be either bolt mounted or pressmounted between fixed and moveable parts to form a tight and effective seal by the pressure of the spring or spreader or the resiliency inherent in the element material. Excludes PACKING WITH RETAINER. View more Plain Encased Seal

5330-14-575-8008 SEAL,PLAIN ENCASED 5330145758008 145758008

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 May 2013
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5330-14-575-8008 SEAL,PLAIN ENCASED 5330145758008 145758008 1/1
NSN 5330-14-575-8008 (Generic Image) 1/1

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9500180 9661336434 A pliable rubber, felt, leather, or composition ring-shaped element, split or solid
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5330-14-575-8008 is a Plain Encased Seal

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France (ZF)

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