
Preformed Packing Assortment

5330144006845 144006845 2457-2005 SAF2457-2005

Two or more different sizes and/or types of preformed packing grouped together in a single package and intended for individual repeated replacement and/or general use. Excludes PACKING ASSEMBLY. View more Preformed Packing Assortment

5330-14-400-6845 PACKING ASSORTMENT,PREFORMED 5330144006845 144006845

Managed by France
NSN Created on 8 May 1985
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5330-14-400-6845 PACKING ASSORTMENT,PREFORMED 5330144006845 144006845 1/1
NSN 5330-14-400-6845 (Generic Image) 1/1

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2457-2005 SAF2457-2005 Two or more different sizes and/or types of preformed packing grouped together
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5330-14-400-6845 Demil Restrictions 5330-14-400-6845


5330-14-400-6845 is a Preformed Packing Assortment

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