
Seal Retainer

5330143807255 143807255 M397-02-10-62-11 453-80347-000

An item of various shapes and cross sections, usually flanged and designed to fit over a rod, shaft, or the like, for the purpose of encasing and posititioning a SEAL, PLAIN ENCASED or a SEAL, PLAIN. The flange is usually drilled for stud or bolt mounting. Item does not include the seal. Excludes RETAINER, PACKING. View more Seal Retainer

5330-14-380-7255 RETAINER,SEAL 5330143807255 143807255

Managed by France
NSN Created on 29 Nov 1982
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5330-14-380-7255 RETAINER,SEAL 5330143807255 143807255 1/1
NSN 5330-14-380-7255 (Generic Image) 1/1

5330-14-380-7255 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5330-14-380-7255

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M397-02-10-62-11 453-80347-000 An item of various shapes and cross sections, usually flanged and designed
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5330-14-380-7255 is a Seal Retainer

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France (ZF)
Germany (ZG)

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