
Packing Retainer

5330120228948 120228948

An item designed to fit over a packing gland by mating with a surface of a second part which together will retain into a narrow groove or confined space the PACKING, PREFORMED or O-RING, or an item designed to fit over a rod or shaft, to mate with a stuffing box to confine PACKING MATERIAL. It may function as a static or dynamic seal retainer with the packing located on, around, or in the centerline direction of the rod or shaft axis. It may have holes or joints for mounting, be threaded or unthreaded. See also PACKING NUT and PACKING NUT, STUFFING TUBE. View more Packing Retainer

5330-12-022-8948 RETAINER,PACKING 5330120228948 120228948

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January 2024
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5330-12-022-8948 RETAINER,PACKING 5330120228948 120228948 1/1
NSN 5330-12-022-8948 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Germany (DE) 4. 5330-12-022-8948 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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RQST Updated Every Day 5330-12-022-8948 RQST NE Related Documents 5330-12-022-8948 2+ Documents ( More
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5330/de 5330-12-028-4617 O-Ring 5330120284617 120284617 Retainer 5330120228948
120228948 Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-021-8581 Plain Encased Seal 5330-12-317-8060 Gasket Materials
12-021-8581 Plain Encased Seal 5330-12-317-8060 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5330/de 5330-12-022-8948
Documents 5330-12-028-4617 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5330/de 5330-12-022-8948
Packing Retainer 5330120228948 120228948 Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-021-8581 Plain Encased
7567 O-Ring 5330121417567 121417567 Mechanical Felt 5330120207044 Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-022-8948
Packing Retainer 5330-12-350-2794 Gasket Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-028-4617 O-Ring 5330-12-022-8948
Preformed Mechanical Felt 5330120207044 53/fsc-5330 Packing and Gasket Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-022-8948
5330/de 5330-12-020-7044 Preformed Mechanical Felt 5330120207044 Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-022-8948
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-53/fsc-5330 Packing and Gasket Materials from Germany (DE) 5330-12-028-4617 O-Ring 5330-12-022-8948

5330-12-022-8948 Demil Restrictions 5330-12-022-8948


5330-12-022-8948 is a Packing Retainer

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