
Turnlock Fastener Lock Spring

5325263010687 263010687 8700/40040000

A spring-tempered wire item used to secure a STUD, TURNLOCK FASTENER or STUD ASSEMBLY, TURNLOCK FASTENER by engaging with the cammed groove of the STUD, TURNLOCK FASTENER and securing it by means of its spring action. View more Turnlock Fastener Lock Spring

5325-26-301-0687 LOCK SPRING,TURNLOCK FASTENER 5325263010687 263010687

Managed by Portugal
NSN Created on 7 Aug 2012
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January 2023
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5325-26-301-0687 LOCK SPRING,TURNLOCK FASTENER 5325263010687 263010687 1/1
NSN 5325-26-301-0687 (Generic Image) 1/1

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8700/40040000 A spring-tempered wire item used to secure a STUD, TURNLOCK FASTENER or STUD ASSEMBLY,
Portugal (PT) 4. 5325-26-301-0687 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5325-26-301-0687 RQST Updated Every Day 5325-26-301-0687 RQST NE Related Documents
: 9 11 Jan 2008 5325-26-301-1360 Retaining Ring 863905RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 22 Jan 2013 5325-26-301-0687

5325-26-301-0687 Demil Restrictions 5325-26-301-0687


5325-26-301-0687 is a Turnlock Fastener Lock Spring

5325-26-301-0687 End Users End Users 5325-26-301-0687

Portugal (ZP)

5325-26-301-0687 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5325-26-301-0687

5325-26-301-0687 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5325-26-301-0687