
Snap Fastener Cap

5325143620728 143620728 300700-470-065 F07LAIT0NVERNIS65 85-689-8242

An item designed to permanently fasten a SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER to a material. It may be either hemispherical in shape with prongs on the underside or have a hemispherical shaped head with a tubular shank. See also SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER. View more Snap Fastener Cap

5325-14-362-0728 CAP,SNAP FASTENER 5325143620728 143620728

Managed by France
NSN Created on 20 Feb 1980
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5325-14-362-0728 CAP,SNAP FASTENER 5325143620728 143620728 1/1
NSN 5325-14-362-0728 (Generic Image) 1/1

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300700-470-065 F07LAIT0NVERNIS65 85-689-8242 An item designed to permanently fasten a SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER
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5325-14-362-0728 is a Snap Fastener Cap

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France (ZF)

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