
Snap Fastener

5325121679050 121679050 3575464 2848-2710-10 3555542AND3555543

A nonpositive fastening device consisting of a STUD, SNAP FASTENER and a SOCKET, SNAP FASTENER. It may have any one or several of the following components: POST, SNAP FASTENER; CLINCH PLATE, SNAP FASTENER; and CAP, SNAP FASTENER. It is used as a means of attaching cover, curtains, or similar items to each other or to vehicles, hatch coaming, bulkheads and the like. View more Snap Fastener

5325-12-167-9050 FASTENER,SNAP 5325121679050 121679050

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NSN Created on 2 Feb 1977
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3575464 2848-2710-10 3555542AND3555543 A nonpositive fastening device consisting of a STUD, SNAP FASTENER
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5325-12-167-9050 is a Snap Fastener

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Germany (ZG)

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